in an uncertain time; a tea project

Many of my ‘adventures in tea’ (some of which have been written up here in the tea tales section) have been solo ones; indeed they were adventures because I was on my own. Many of my ‘posts’ are also posts which are the result of reflections over tea which I have taken alone.  But as I reflect on the developments of the last few days, I find myself considering the difference between drinking tea alone when out and about, and drinking tea alone when you are alone.   ‘Out and about’ tea tends to accompanied by the hubbub of the tea shop or cafĂ©.  Alone, alone tea is really home alone tea; where in the silence and stillness of my own little Coach House, with only two cats to interrupt, I make and then partake of a pot or two of tea.  Admittedly there has been occasion where ‘out and about’ tea has had a ‘home alone’ feel about it, but if the tea is good it doesn’t feel too desolate.  But today there has become another tea drinking context; imposed home alone tea.  As a result of a certain virus, I will spend more time in my own home.  At the moment I will be able to go out and exercise, travel into work if required, and hop in the car, go out for a drive and see friends.  This, of course, could all change.  Then there will be much more imposed ‘home alone’ tea, and I wonder how I will feel about, and respond to, this new situation. 

Taking heed of the ‘working from home’ advice… I shall make sure 11am tea involves a stroll around the building site that is the outside of my little coach house right now, and 4.00pm tea will involve cake and the writing of card.  Each day I will write and then send a card to a friend; a personal card not a faceless email.  I will photograph the cards next to the tea cup, and post the pictures here.  Putting the stamp on the envelop and walking to the post box at the end of the drive, will mark the end of the tea break and another hour of work. What I save in train fares I will spend in cards and stamps.  I think I like my plan. A creative project within a time of complete uncertainty.  The power of TEA !


  1. Super @lapsanghussey - what a bon idee! Writing letters is a lovely way to continue to feel connected, and it will be our interconnectedness which sees us through this challenge (even if it might have been the thing which started it all!) I will let you know how I get on!

  2. I received a lovely card from you today...I feel so deeply touched. I cannot even remember the last time I received a card from someone I have never met. Perhaps I never have. It has warmed my heart so much on this overcast day and I feel so tremendously grateful. Thank you also to Jo Dance for nominating me; you are full of surprises and kindnesses, you really are! I'd love to share a photo of my card but am unsure how to do this. Please let me know! With bundles of gratitude and massive respect for you and for this incredibly connecting and loving project, Nicole xx


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