Lockdown Christmas


On Christmas Day I finally got round to doing the thing I was meant to have achieved (according to the media) whilst in lock down number one - I learned a new skill.  As a result I feel a true graduate of the year 2020. Having spent most of the year as an invisible 'critical worker,'experiencing isolation, lock down, pay reduction (but not workload reduction), Zoom fatigue, volunteer coach to vulnerable at risk people, effective flexible working, no commuting, lots of walking, reconnecting, reflecting, studying, I had found little time for the learning of a new skill.  Then lock down two provided the perfect platform.  Whilst in theory I could have continued my traditional  Christmas Day walking adventure, I took the position that embarking on any travel to a place of interest was not essential; lock down meant lock down, so I should stay home.  Thus I ordered copious amounts of sharp sand and got down to recycling bricks into paving the raised seating area in my garden.  The temperature on starting showed as -2. Five hours later every muscle in my body ached, and whilst the job was not quite complete the light was going and a late Christmas Lunch with my support bubble beckoned.  In order to keep me going I made a tea flask.  Indeed 2020 has seen me make many flasks of tea.  These have  accompanied me walking and, when allowed, on trips further a field to meet up with friends.  
And now we enter lock down number three... what project can accompany this one?


